Speed up Dynamics AX Virtual Machine

After we discussed How to Setup Dynamics AX VM and How to Rearm the VM Operating system. Today we are going to illustrate how to speed up Dynamics AX VM.

Unfortunately most of users don't have enough memory to run the dynamics virtual machine in convenient way. However there a simple steps we can do to save more memory. all what we need is to stop some services.

Follow the below steps to know we can speed up the VM.

1- Login to virtual Machine

2- Start the task manager to track the available memory when all services is running.
in my case the VM have 10 Giga ram. Almost nothing remain.

3- To stop the unnecessary services please start the Services form and start with the SharePoint services especially "SharePoint Search Host Controller" this is the big fish. this service will save around 1 Giga RAM.

4- After we were stopped all the SharePoint services that shown in the previous screen. also stop all the retail services that shown in the following screen.

5- Now open the Task Manager to see the result. you can see that I have 2.3 free Giga RAM.

See Also
How to setup the Dynamics AX Virtual Machine.

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