How do you delete a DirParty record in Ax2012?

static void DirParty_Delete(Args _args)


DirPartyTable dirPartyTable;

DirPerson dirPerson;

Common partyRecord;

DirParty dirPartyClass;

DirPersonRecId personRecId;


select firstOnly * from dirPerson where == "ABCDEFG";

personRecId = DirPerson.RecId;

//This is after the worker has been deleted on the HcmWorkerListPage form on HRM

dirPartyTable = DirPartyTable::findRec(DirPerson::find(personRecId).RecId);

if (dirPartyTable)


partyRecord = dirPartyTable;

dirPartyClass = new DirParty(partyRecord);

if (DirParty::canDeleteParty(dirPartyClass.getPartyRecId(),true))






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