Axapta Upgradation

Here is one of possible step by step workflows to upgrade Axapta 2.5 to DAX 2009. Be aware that some steps "like copy layer with results of code upgrade" means that code upgrade had done already.

Step 1: Data upgrade from Damgaard Axapta 2.5 to Navision Axapta 3.0 SP6.

1. Clean up data. If you want to save some logs but delete old or unused for now you may run this time consuming operation before upgrade. Run Damgaard Axapta 2.5. Goto AOT->Menu items->Action and run SysUserLogCleanUp, SysDataBaseLogCleanUp. If you want to clear all data it is faster to use SQL scripts.

2. Backup Damgaard Axapta2.5 application and database files.

3. Change settings on Axapta 2.5 DB to improve performance.

4. Install Navision Axapta 3.0 SP6. Do not start AOS.

5. Copy .aoi and .aod files from Axapta25\Applications\Standard to Axapta30\Application\Standard\Old

6. Copy upgraded to Axapta 3.0 SP6 layers to Axapta30\Application\Standard folder.

7. Go to Start->Programs->Navision Axapta Configuration utility and, select appropriate configuration, go on tab SQL Server and set Navision Axapta 2.5 database as current.

8. Run Navision Axapta 3.0 SP6. Go through Upgrade checklist.

Step 2: Data upgrade from Navision Axapta 3.0 SP6 to Dynamics AX 2009 SP1.

9. Backup upgraded DB.

10. Find and backup tables not defined it AOT but exist in database. Use scripts DBPrep_nonAOTtable_SQL.sql available in AX 2009 installation.

11. Drop custom tables.

12. Import to Axapta 3.0 SP6 PrivateProject_UpgradeColumnList.xpo and PrivateProject_LeftJustified.xpo from AX 2009 installation.

13. Prepare information for 32-bit to 64-bit RecId field conversion. Fields will be converted later by AxDBUpgrade tool.

13.a. In Navision Axapta 3.0 open Private project->Upgrade column list.

13.b. Run Form:UpgradeColumnList.

13.c. Click Generate.

14. Generate scripts for removing any trailing spaces from fields with right justification. 14.a. In Navision Axapta 3.0 open open Private Project>LeftJustified

14.b. Run MainJob

14.c. In Open form click Display

14.d. Copy Infolog script to new file AX2009_LeftJustifyScript.sql

15. Create Database for Dynamics AX 2009 in SQL Server 2005.

16. Run “DatabaseUpgrade\AxDbUpgrade.exe /n10” from installation CD of AX 2009.

17. Backup result DB.

18. Run saved on step 14.d script against AXDB2009. To improve performance you may split it and run in parallel.

19. Install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 SP1. Do not start AOS.

20. Copy upgraded application files to AX2009\Application\Standard

21. Copy .aod and .aoi files from AX30\Application\Standard to AX2009\Application\Standard\Old

22. Set up Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 against AXDB2009.

23. Start AX 2009 AOS.

24. Start AX 2009 Client. Go through Update checklist.

25. Restore custom tables.

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