Steps to hide the modules in AX 2012 R3:
Step 1. Create a new Class
class RBHideModules
Step 2 : Create a new Static method to replace the "Navigation Option" in all the companies.
if you want the same modules reflect in all the companies , then the below method is required.
public static void replaceNavOptionsInAllCompanies()
DataArea dataArea;
SysLastValue sysLastValue, sysLastValue2;
select sysLastValue
where == curext() &&
sysLastValue.userId == curUserId() &&
sysLastValue.elementName == #elementName &&
sysLastValue.designName == #designName;
if (sysLastValue)
while select id from dataArea
where !dataArea.isVirtual && dataArea.Id != curext()
select forUpdate sysLastValue2
where == dataArea.Id &&
sysLastValue2.userId == curUserId() &&
sysLastValue2.elementName == #elementName &&
sysLastValue2.designName == #designName;
ttsBegin; = dataArea.Id;
sysLastValue2.userId = curUserId();
sysLastValue2.elementName = sysLastValue.elementName;
sysLastValue2.recordType = sysLastValue.recordType;
sysLastValue2.designName = sysLastValue.designName;
sysLastValue2.isKernel = sysLastValue.isKernel;
sysLastValue2.value = sysLastValue.value;
Step 3. Create a new static method in the class as shown below (Save and Close it) to hide the modules.
//Code for Hide Modules Functionality
public static void HideModulesForRole()
container cont_navButtons;
container cont_UserRoles;
TreeNode menunode;
TreeNode mainmenunode;
TreeNodeIterator menuitemiter;
str aotName;
int i = 1;
int j = 1;
int loc;
boolean isAdmin = false;
SecurityRole securityRole;
SecurityUserRole securityUserRole;
//Fetch all roles for currently logged in User and insert in variable cont_UserRoles.
while select securityUserRole
join securityRole
where securityUserRole.User == curUserId()
&& securityRole.RecId == securityUserRole.SecurityRole
cont_UserRoles += securityRole.AotName;
if (securityRole.AotName == '-SysAdmin-')
isAdmin = true;
if (!isAdmin && conFind(cont_UserRoles, 'YourRolesName'))
mainmenunode = TreeNode::findNode(#MainMenuLocation);
menuitemiter = mainmenunode.AOTiterator();
menunode =;
while(menunode != null)
aotName = menunode.AOTname();
if(aotName == 'Home' || aotName == 'InventoryManagement')
// Prefix 1 to show module
cont_navButtons = conIns(cont_navButtons, j, '1' + aotName);
// Prefix 0 to hide module
cont_navButtons = conIns(cont_navButtons, j, '0' + aotName);
menunode =;
// Hide Modules with 0 as prefix
// this is required only incase if you want to hide the modules in all the companies
Step 4 : Open the method "startupPost" from the Class -> Info , Call the newly created class static method as shown. (Save & Close)
void startupPost()
Notes : The above code will works only for the startup company, In case if the user changes the company , all the modules will be reflected again. To Avoid that please continue with the step 4:
Step 4: Open the form "SysDataAreaSelect" , add the code to the method "SwitchCompany" in the last line before the loop ends.
void SwitchCompany(boolean NewWorkspace)
(..... means standard code already available)
Step 5: Restrict the user using the Navigation Pane option manually to add the modules.
Edit the "OkButton" clicked method of the Form "SysNavPaneOptionsDialog", write the below code above the super();
This will restrict the user to add the modules manually.
Result : Whenever the user changes the company from the company dialog , it hides the modules as you expect.
Step 1. Create a new Class
class RBHideModules
Step 2 : Create a new Static method to replace the "Navigation Option" in all the companies.
if you want the same modules reflect in all the companies , then the below method is required.
public static void replaceNavOptionsInAllCompanies()
DataArea dataArea;
SysLastValue sysLastValue, sysLastValue2;
select sysLastValue
where == curext() &&
sysLastValue.userId == curUserId() &&
sysLastValue.elementName == #elementName &&
sysLastValue.designName == #designName;
if (sysLastValue)
while select id from dataArea
where !dataArea.isVirtual && dataArea.Id != curext()
select forUpdate sysLastValue2
where == dataArea.Id &&
sysLastValue2.userId == curUserId() &&
sysLastValue2.elementName == #elementName &&
sysLastValue2.designName == #designName;
ttsBegin; = dataArea.Id;
sysLastValue2.userId = curUserId();
sysLastValue2.elementName = sysLastValue.elementName;
sysLastValue2.recordType = sysLastValue.recordType;
sysLastValue2.designName = sysLastValue.designName;
sysLastValue2.isKernel = sysLastValue.isKernel;
sysLastValue2.value = sysLastValue.value;
Step 3. Create a new static method in the class as shown below (Save and Close it) to hide the modules.
//Code for Hide Modules Functionality
public static void HideModulesForRole()
container cont_navButtons;
container cont_UserRoles;
TreeNode menunode;
TreeNode mainmenunode;
TreeNodeIterator menuitemiter;
str aotName;
int i = 1;
int j = 1;
int loc;
boolean isAdmin = false;
SecurityRole securityRole;
SecurityUserRole securityUserRole;
//Fetch all roles for currently logged in User and insert in variable cont_UserRoles.
while select securityUserRole
join securityRole
where securityUserRole.User == curUserId()
&& securityRole.RecId == securityUserRole.SecurityRole
cont_UserRoles += securityRole.AotName;
if (securityRole.AotName == '-SysAdmin-')
isAdmin = true;
if (!isAdmin && conFind(cont_UserRoles, 'YourRolesName'))
mainmenunode = TreeNode::findNode(#MainMenuLocation);
menuitemiter = mainmenunode.AOTiterator();
menunode =;
while(menunode != null)
aotName = menunode.AOTname();
if(aotName == 'Home' || aotName == 'InventoryManagement')
// Prefix 1 to show module
cont_navButtons = conIns(cont_navButtons, j, '1' + aotName);
// Prefix 0 to hide module
cont_navButtons = conIns(cont_navButtons, j, '0' + aotName);
menunode =;
// Hide Modules with 0 as prefix
// this is required only incase if you want to hide the modules in all the companies
Step 4 : Open the method "startupPost" from the Class -> Info , Call the newly created class static method as shown. (Save & Close)
void startupPost()
Notes : The above code will works only for the startup company, In case if the user changes the company , all the modules will be reflected again. To Avoid that please continue with the step 4:
Step 4: Open the form "SysDataAreaSelect" , add the code to the method "SwitchCompany" in the last line before the loop ends.
void SwitchCompany(boolean NewWorkspace)
(..... means standard code already available)
Step 5: Restrict the user using the Navigation Pane option manually to add the modules.
Edit the "OkButton" clicked method of the Form "SysNavPaneOptionsDialog", write the below code above the super();
This will restrict the user to add the modules manually.
Result : Whenever the user changes the company from the company dialog , it hides the modules as you expect.