AX2012 X++ Code to read csv file

// Create  a new job and paste the below code

static void RB_ReadCsvFile(Args _args)
    IO  iO;
    CustAccount custAccount;
    CustName custname;
    FilenameOpen        filename = "C:\\Desktop\\RB.csv";
    Container           record;
    boolean first = true;


    iO = new CommaTextIo(filename,#IO_Read);
    if (! iO || iO.status() != IO_Status::Ok)
        throw error("@SYS19358");
    while (iO.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
        record =;
        if (record)
            if (first)  // to exclude the header
                first = false;
                custAccount = conpeek(record, 1);
                custname = conpeek(record, 2);

AX2012 X++ Code validate the email id

// Create a job and paste the below code ..

static void RB_validateEmail(Args _args)
    Str     email;
    Str     MatchEmailPattern =@"\b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}\b";
    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match myMatch;
    email = "";
    myMatch = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex::Match(email, MatchEmailPattern);

    if (myMatch.get_Success())
        info(strFmt("%1 is an valid email id ", email));
       info(strFmt("%1 is not an valid email id ", email));

AX2012 X++ code to combine the folder path

// Create a job and paste the below code

static void RB_PathCombine(Args _args)
    str         path1 = @"C:\TestDir";
    str         path2 = @"C:\TestDir\";
    str         path3 = "MyFolder";
    str         combination;

    combination = System.IO.Path::Combine(path1, path3);
    info (strFmt("Combinig '%1' with '%2' gives '%3'", path1, path3, combination));

    combination = System.IO.Path::Combine(path2, path3);
    info (strFmt("Combinig '%1' with '%2' gives '%3'", path2, path3, combination));

AX2012 X++ code to read the text file

//Create a new job and paste the code
static void RB_ReadTextFile(Args _args)
    Filename                                              filename = @'C:\Desktop\AX2012.txt';
    System.IO.StreamReader          reader;
    System.String                                   line;
    InteropPermission                       interopPermission;
    Str                                                         text;

    interopPermission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop);

    reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename,System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8());
    line = reader.ReadLine();

    while (!System.String::IsNullOrEmpty(line))
        line = reader.ReadLine();
        text = line;
        info(strfmt("%1", text));


AX2012 X++ Code to generate dates for one year

// Create a new job and paste the below code

static void RB_OneYearDate(Args _args)
    int           month,day,x,years,i,j,k;
    TransDate     preDate,nextmonth,monthStart,startdate,enddate,nextdate;


    years = year(systemdateget());
    for (i=1;i<=12;i++)
      month = 0;
      nextmonth = mkDate(1,month+i,(years));
      enddate = endmth(nextmonth);
      day = dayofmth(enddate); 
      for(j=1; j<=day; j++)
         month = mthofyr(nextmonth);
         nextdate = mkDate(j,month,(years));

AX2012 Read And Import Excel File using X++ Code

X++ code to read the Excel file 

static void RB_ReadExcel(Args _args)
    SysExcelApplication application;
    SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks;
    SysExcelWorkbook workbook;
    SysExcelWorksheets worksheets;
    SysExcelWorksheet worksheet;
    SysExcelCells cells;
    COMVariantType type;
    FilenameOpen                    filename;

    int row = 1; // if the excel has the header
    TransDate     empJoiningDate;
    real          salary;
    str           empId;
    int           totNoOfLeaves;


    application = SysExcelApplication::construct();
    workbooks = application.workbooks();
    filename  = "C:\\Users\\balakrishnanr\\Desktop\\emp.xlsx"; // file path

    catch (Exception::Error)
        throw error("File not found");
    workbook = workbooks.item(1);
    worksheets = workbook.worksheets();
    worksheet = worksheets.itemFromNum(1);
    cells = worksheet.cells();

    //Iterate through cells and get the values
    //Incrementing the row line to next Row
    empId           = cells.item(row,1).value().bStr();
    empJoiningDate  = cells.item(row,2).value().date();
    salary          = cells.item(row,3).value().double();
    totNoOfLeaves   = cells.item(row,4).value().int();

   info(strFmt("Empl Id:- %1 , DOJ :- %2 , Salary :- %3 ,  TotNoLeaves :-   %4",empId,empJoiningDate,salary,totNoOfLeaves));

    // Loads the next row into the variant type and validating that its is empty or not
    type = cells.item(row+1, 1).value().variantType();
    while (type != COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY);

    // quits the application


Preventing users from opening new workspaces

You can prevent users from opening new workspaces  by adding the  code that immediately closes these aging. Add the the following code to \Classes\Info\workspaceWindowCreated:

void workspaceWindowCreated(int _hWnd)
    // Put workspace window specific initialization here.
    // Begin -->
    // End <--

Convert Numerals to Text in Indian Format (AX2012)

// Converting Numeral to Text of Indian Format .

// Add a new method in the Class Name : Global and paste the below code .

static TempStr numeralsToTxt_IN(real _num)
int numOfPennies = (decround(frac(_num), 2) * 100) mod 100;
real test = _num - frac(_num);

int numOfTenths;
str 20 ones[19], tenths[9], hundreds, thousands, lakhs, crores;

int64 temp;
str 200 returntxt;
str 200 pennytxt;
int penny;

real modOperator(real a1, real a2)
int tmpi;
real tmp1, tmp2;
tmp1 = a1 / a2;
tmpi = real2int(tmp1);
tmp2 = tmpi;
return (tmp1 - tmp2)*a2;

real checkPower(real _test, int64 _power)
int64 numOfPower;

if (_test >= _power)
numOfPower = _test div _power;
if (numOfPower >= 100)
temp = numOfPower div 100;
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + ones[temp] + ' ' + hundreds;
numOfPower = numOfPower mod 100;
if (numOfPower >= 20)
temp = numOfPower div 10;
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + tenths[temp];
numOfPower = numOfPower mod 10;
if (numOfPower >= 1)
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + ones[numOfPower];
numOfPower = numOfPower mod 10;
case 10000000 :
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + Crores;
_test = modOperator(_test, 10000000);
case 100000 :
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + lakhs;
_test = modOperator(_test, 100000);
case 1000 :
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + thousands;
_test = modOperator(_test, 1000);
case 100 :
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + hundreds;
_test = modOperator(_test, 100);
return _test;

#Define.text_17(' Seventeen' )
#Define.text_18(' Eighteen' )
#Define.text_19(' Nineteen' )
#Define.text_20(' Twenty' )
#Define.text_30(' Thirty' )
#Define.text_40(' Forty' )
#Define.text_50(' Fifty' )
#Define.text_60(' Sixty' )
#Define.text_70(' Seventy' )
#Define.text_80(' Eighty' )
#Define.text_90(' Ninety' )
#Define.text_100(' Hundred' )
#Define.text_1000(' Thousand' )
#Define.text_100000(' Lakh' )
#Define.text_10000000(' Crore' )
#Define.text_and(' Rupees and' )
#Define.text_paise(' Paise Only' )
#Define.text_ruppe(' Rupees Only' )

ones[1] = #text_1;
ones[2] = #text_2;
ones[3] = #text_3;
ones[4] = #text_4;
ones[5] = #text_5;
ones[6] = #text_6;
ones[7] = #text_7;
ones[8] = #text_8;
ones[9] = #text_9;
ones[10] = #text_10;
ones[11] = #text_11;
ones[12] = #text_12;
ones[13] = #text_13;
ones[14] = #text_14;
ones[15] = #text_15;
ones[16] = #text_16;
ones[17] = #text_17;
ones[18] = #text_18;
ones[19] = #text_19;

tenths[1] = ' Not used' ;
tenths[2] = #text_20;
tenths[3] = #text_30;
tenths[4] = #text_40;
tenths[5] = #text_50;
tenths[6] = #text_60;
tenths[7] = #text_70;
tenths[8] = #text_80;
tenths[9] = #text_90;

hundreds = #text_100;
thousands = #text_1000;
lakhs = #text_100000;
crores = #text_10000000;

test = checkPower(test, 10000000);
test = checkPower(test, 100000);
test = checkPower(test, 1000);
test = checkPower(test, 100);

if (test >= 20)
numOfTenths = test div 10;
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + tenths[numofTenths];
numOfTenths = numOfTenths mod 10;
test = test mod 10;
if (test >= 1)
numOfTenths = real2int(test);
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + ones[numOfTenths];

if (numOfPennies)
if (numOfPennies >= 20)
penny = numOfPennies div 10;
pennytxt = tenths[penny];
numOfPennies = numOfPennies mod 10;
if (numOfPennies >= 1)
pennytxt = pennytxt + ' ' + ones[numOfPennies];
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + #text_and + ' ' + pennytxt + ' ' +#text_paise;
returntxt = returntxt + ' ' + #text_ruppe;
return returntxt;

To Test the above code , write a job mentioned below:

static void AmountInWords(Args _args)
    Global  global;
    str 160  amtInwords;


    amtInwords = Global::numeralsToTxt_IN(1523.55); // Amount 
    info(strFmt("%1", amtInwords));


Copying data of one table to another table across the company in AX

//Copying data of one table to another table across the company in AX2009

static void CopyDataFromOneTableToAnother(Args _args)
    TableA                  tableA;
    TableB                  tableB;
    DataArea                dataArea;

  while select dataArea

            tableA= null;
            tableB= null;
            while select tableA
              tableB.CustAccount        = tableA.CustAccount;
              tableB.ItemCode           = tableA.ItemCode;

      info(strfmt("Mission Accomplished"));


D365 F&O X++ code Update_Recordset and SkipDataMethods still calling update method

D365 F&O X++ code Update_Recordset and SkipDataMethods still calling update method It sounds like you're encountering an issue where...