X++ code to Split the file name from the file path

// If the file path comes from the dialog , it automatically works ,else you need to Specify '\\'

static void RB_FileNameSplit(Args _args)

Filename path;
FileName fileName;
Filename name;
Filename extention;
Str str_filename;
fileName = "c:\\Documents and Settings\\balakrishnanr\\Desktop\\practicefile.xls";
[path, name, extention] = fileNameSplit(fileName);
if (!name)
str_filename = '';

str_filename = name + extention;

print str_filename;


X++ code to send email from AX

// One line code to send the email from AX......

static void RB_mailthroughSysInet(Args _args)

SysINetMail m = new SysINetMail();
Print "success";

X++ code to export the file from AX

static void RB_ExportAs_csvFileCommaIo(Args _args)
CommaIo fileOut;
//based on the extension it will export the file from AX .
FileName fileName = "c:\\Customers.csv";
CustTable custTable;

fileOut = new CommaIo(filename, #io_write);

if (fileOut)
while select custTable

D365 F&O X++ code Update_Recordset and SkipDataMethods still calling update method

D365 F&O X++ code Update_Recordset and SkipDataMethods still calling update method It sounds like you're encountering an issue where...